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Manner of communicating with journalists

January 29,2016 12:55

During the celebration of the Army Day, Director of the National Security Service Gorik Hakobyan, Chief of Police Vladimir Gasparyan and the Ararat Diocese Archbishop Navasard Ktchoyan had an unsuccessful communication with the journalists. On this background, it must be said that Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II was more restrained and cool-hearted. As to what extent he was sincere, it is another matter but the fact is that he did not lose his control.

In this respect, the case with the head of the NSS was an opposite display, it seemed that initially he was inclined to be rude to the journalists. Certainly, Gorik Hakobyan is a professional in his field. But in the case of more or less freedom of media, the ability to communicate with journalists is also included in the general professionalism of the officials. Not necessarily that the official masters it personally but he must have a well-trained PR specialist next to him who will offer him certain behavior.

I certainly do not consider myself a PR specialist but I can hint on how in my view the official should answer the journalists’ questions. And so. A journalist, “Is it true your ministry is merging to another ministry?” An official, “No such question is discussed at the point.” The journalist, “Is your tenure extended? The official, “I am an appointed public official and you should refer this question to the one who has appointed me. The journalist, “Whom do you see for your position?” The official, “Many wonderful and devoted to their work specialists are working in our system and I can name at least 10 people who can hold my position at any time. The journalist, “Are you everlasting? The official, “No physical body in the world is eternal, including you and me”. The journalist would also like to ask some other questions, to which the official can answer, “Thank you for your questions but these are not questions to be discussed on foot, in the near future I will hold a press conference and will address your questions in detail.”

Our officials are not used to communicate with the media in this manner. Irrespective of what is publicly said, they are confident that all the journalists are some “trampled underfoot”, “malign” and “writing by the command” suspicious persons whom we should tolerate for unknown reasons. Naturally, any question with such a predisposition that seems unpleasant to the official causes a furious anger and even disgust in him. While cause unpleasant situations to the officials is our duty as journalists.

Another official, Archbishop Navasard (the senior clergy in Armenia, unfortunately, are officials because they have merged with the ruling system) said to the journalist, “You are not a representative of the community.” Also, I think it is principally a wrong assessment: all citizens of Armenia are representatives of the community.


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