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Final Report on the Observation of the Constitutional Referendum in Armenia 

February 05,2016 10:28

The constitutional referendum of December 6, 2015, did not comply with the norms prescribed in the Council of Europe’s Code of Good Practice on Referendums. The official results are largely forced and falsified and do not reflect the will of the citizens of Armenia. Hence, the referendum and the document adopted through it are not legitimate.

The observation mission recorded gross, multiple, and widespread examples of voting violations and electoral fraud, i.e. restrictions of the rights of observers, mass media representatives, violations of voting procedures, ballot box stuffing, vote buying, exertion of physical force, multiple voting, misreporting of votes during tabulation, and falsification of results protocols. Overall 1,080 violations were reported.

For the first time, EPDE provided a statistical analysis of the official data recorded at the precincts which documents massive manipulations of the Referendum results (see Appendix 1 to the Final Report).


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