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Everything is “quoted”

February 05,2016 11:44

If the RPA and ARF have claimed, let’s say, in March 2017 that they are going to the elections with an alliance, it would be very normal. If these political parties, after the parliamentary elections by gathering a certain number of votes, had formed a ruling coalition, it would fit within the normal political process. But now, more than one year ahead to the elections, ARF is given the ministerial and governors portfolios, it is already doubtful. A natural assumption incurs that these portfolios would become leverage in terms of the use of administrative resource during the elections. In other words, people working in this ministerial (especially, if it is the Ministry of Education) system will be obligated to “work” in favor of this party. The same applies to the employees of the governor’s office, from which much depends on them, as well as from the school principals and teachers.

This approach is also understandable, only no need to say that thus the nature of the government will be changed. This “nature” is the same for 25 years and playing by the rules of this game it is impossible to change anything. This game in the economy is called a “quote” by the experts, I bring in and sell the 90 percent gasoline and allow you to bring in and sell 10 percent gasoline. The condition is that you will sell at the same price as I am selling my 90 percent. The seller of the 10 percent is not interested in selling a cent cheap to expand the market because anyway he will not be allowed to sell more than the 10 percent.

In the case of the politics, “controlling package” anyway will be in the hands of the RPA party, the rest of the political parties will be given the chance to “benefit from the side.” In fact, by saying the “rest”, I mean the opposition parties too. Simply the “coalition” forces will use the aforementioned levers while the opposition members – the expectations of the population, “When are these going to leave so that we would live better?” The opposition member, of course, will curse the authorities to the last words, saying, “this time the regime will not succeed”, “the people are united”, “the regime is in the agony” and so on. But they know for sure that everything is “quoted”

So, by and large, all of them are playing by the same rules.


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