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“In 2015 as compared to previous year, the number of detained citizens has increased by 8”

February 08,2016 20:00

“For many years, Armenia was moving by the path of democracy, good or bad. I would not make a big revelation if I say that the year 2015 was a step back in terms of democracy,” said Project Manager of “Union of Informed Citizens” NGO, Daniel Ioannisyan, during the seminar on “Foreign Policy and Coverage”, referring to the first results of “Eurasian Economic Union”. According to him, if in 2014, Armenia’s police had detained 52 citizens from the places of assemblies, then in 2015, this number was 380, “in other words, it has increased 8 times. Even if all rallies are taken out, anyway, the number is far bigger.” Daniel Ioannisyan noted that there were also many demonstrations in 2013 but the figure for 2015 is far bigger, “In 2013, 260 people were detained. And it is in the case That is also in the case when there were elections, a protest against the electricity price hike and arrival of Putin. Should Putin come this year, 1000 people would be arrested.”


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