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“One day, people will get tired of making statements.” Tevan Poghosyan about the remarks by the EU Ambassador

February 11,2016 15:00

“Take the OSCE/ODIHR report seriously, do the homework,”- such a remark was made recently by the Head of the EU Delegation in Armenia, Peter Svitalski, addressing the RA authorities. On February 10, in an interview with, “Heritage” faction MP Tevan Poghosyan, referring to the statement by the EU envoy, said, “The EU wants to invest here based on its interests. It wants Armenia to be similar to the European model, the democratic institutions work correctly, be predictable for them, to be a safe country, they would come invest here. In other words, the EU wants Armenia to be democratic.

The observations that they have made will contribute that I become the country I desire and it also stems from my interest. Here, we need to understand that if people are caring and willing to cross the path with us, let us do it all, because we are to become more democratic, we are to become a more liberal country, which will have its own domestic strength. In this sense, it is necessary to listen to the concern and share it. One thing we must realize, if we ourselves are not going to learn lessons and correct ourselves, one day, people will get tired of making statements. And when people get tired and leave the region, you see what happens, there are examples in the Middle East of what will happen. We need to be changed and realize that it is to our benefit, we need to become a powerful country rather than a country where more distrust happened after every election and team hatreds are formed.”


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