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Won’t ARF drag RPA down?

February 20,2016 21:10

The subject of “Aravot” online “Face to Face” program is debated by Aram Sargsyan, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Armenia and Samvel Nikoyan, RA NA RPA faction member.

Nelly Grigoryan – Mr. President, both Republican and Dashnak politicians assure that their cooperation with the decline of their rating will lead to the welfare of the state and citizens. However, this nation-devoted cooperation persistently does not reach its logical end. Anyway, there is no document signed yet. What is your opinion on all of this?

Aram Sargsyan – I think perhaps there is an agreement, it is still a cooperation of two parties because coalition notion requires an advance and common program. The public should know what it is about, how they have agreed and how they will do. Specific tasks should be made. Especially that today prominent figures of Dashnaktsutyun party announce that they are going to save the country. In this case, there should not be elements that they announce saying that we have presented seven elements, and if they are accepted, we will cooperate. Bro, the country is not governed by the elements. We need to understand that the country is in deep crisis. If we compare with the previous year, this year’s financial situation is the gravest. If the country borrows money for every minor thing, to cover its budget deficit, it means that the country is in a deep financial crisis. Especially that these debts are not directed at the production development which will enable to get income and pay off the debts at the expense of this income. I am sorry but you borrow money to cover what you have already spent. Creating a coalition in this situation, if not the settlement of domestic problems, maybe there are external problems but if the domestic problems are not resolved, I do not understand the meaning of this coalition. If we are talking that we both have defended this Constitution, we have done this, we have done that, now we are going to carry out … Let’s leave aside that the Constitution has passed by the greatest frauds but let’s assume that the majority people have given their votes to you, well, do it, people have given you the mandate. I do not see the need for it. Therefore, you can see that there will be a serious, deep and unresponsive resistance because people have not perceived your constitutional amendments. Therefore, be kind to present your general and specific program at the beginning to understand what coalition you are creating

N. G. – In other words, is RPA trying to affix and insure its place in the political arena?

A. S. – Maybe. I do not know. However, there is one serious thing. I this it is an insult when their tomorrow’s colleagues announce that they are discredited as a government and they are coming so that this discredited government does not lead this country to destruction in the end. How was this problem decided, they apologized and said, we were mistaken, we had other circumstances in mind.

N. G. – Mr. Nikoyan, yesterday, opposition MP Levon Zurabyan said that if he were an RPA, he would also have thought very long before cooperating with the ARF. He also noted that the forces allied to ARF who have had a destructive role in the history of mankind, they have also destroyed the Young Turks, the Nazis and so on. And recommended the Republicans, “If you want to stay alive, let them not enter into an alliance with ARF.” Have the Republicans caught the path of destruction?

Samvel Nikoyan – I would not like to comment and explain to Levon Zurabyan. Well, what else could Levon Zurabyan say but these words? This cooperation with ARF, in the end, led the opposition and Levon Zurabyan’s political force to the day in which they are now. Look at what he is saying, who cooperated, is destroyed. It is another thing if he had brought his own experience, I would say, yes, this will work. However, we do not think so. We approach the cooperation very seriously. We give much importance to it. This cooperation, in essence, will never be the same what we have had until now with ARF. This is our future-oriented cooperation. It stems from the Constitution and our visions towards our future. This cooperation stems from the latest speech by the President of the Republic which I highly estimate, and frankly speaking, I do not conceal, I am also excited about it. This cooperation also stems from the necessity which as my colleague said is the challenge that our state faces, we are obligated to change our approaches in all aspects of our life, give a new pace to be able to resist these challenges.

Nelly GRIGORYAN, “Aravot” daily


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