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“I will not live a tragedy if I will not be the chief conductor”

February 29,2016 20:12

Announces the chief conductor of the Berlin Symphony, Lior Shambadal

At the invitation of Armenia’s National Philharmonic Orchestra (artistic director Ed. Topchyan), Jewish famous artist, chief conductor of the Berlin Symphony, Lior Shambadal, arrived in Yerevan for the third time. During the previous two visits, the maestro first time introduced the Jewish composer Anna Segal. The composer’s “The Songs of the Soul” by Sayat-Nova and “Collage to Sergey Parajanov” were performed in the interpretation of the philharmonic’s, which were written for the orchestra and reciting. The conductor and the composer dedicated the last work to the 90th anniversary of Sergey Parajanov. That evening, which took place on April 24, 2014, on the 99-year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, Maestro Shambadal addressed a speech to the audience in Armenian. As a result, an opinion was formed that the Jewish artist perhaps has Armenian origin.

At the meeting with Aravot, the conductor denied the rumors about his Armenian origin, noting that that he had trained especially for pronouncing Armenian words with correct articulation. He added that he had performed Khachaturian’s works until now with various orchestras. As for his compatriot’s works dedicated to Sayat-Nova and Paradjanov, he assured that in the future they will be performed by the Berlin Symphonic Orchestra.

To the observation that Shambadal-musician has submitted an application in the beginning of his career as a composer and then stopped, our interlocutor said, “Years ago, I have stopped my career as a composer. That was in 1980 when I was 30 years old and my father passed away who was my only inspirer. Then, there was an emptiness inside me … It lasted very long. Recently, more precisely, three years ago, I received an order for a Chamber work from the Israeli Ministry of Culture with a big honorarium. In the meantime, I thought by the example of Verdi and Rossini who have stopped the creative process for years and then loaded with work, maybe such a fate expects me too. It turned out, not. Here, only time is guilty. Besides being the conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic, I am also conducting concerts in the continents, implement other projects, opera performances …”

We asked half-jokingly and half-serious if a time comes that for some reason he is dismissed from his position, so whether it would be a tragedy for him. The maestro replied, “I am the chief conductor of the Berlin Symphony for nearly 20 years. I think this is a long time for this position. But nothing is eternal. Definitely, I will not live a tragedy, moreover, I will not live a tragedy even if I will not be the chief conductor. Now, I more tend to teaching, I have many invitations to giving master classes, to which I respond with love.” As for the “opera” activities, Lior Shambadal said, “In 1993-2000, I was also the musical director of Kaiserslautern in Germany, I have conducted about 600 performances. I have conducted Glinka’s “Life for the Tsar” and Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Mozart and Salieri” opera performances, I was a staging director of more than 40 operas in different opera houses of Russia, Germany, Italy and France. Incidentally, if I receive an invitation from the Opera and Theater House of Yerevan and Conservatory, I am ready to be helpful…”


“Aravot” daily


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