“Hidden Armenians” documentary film presented by “Azatutyun-TV” passed to the final round of the prestigious Film Festival in New York. The Director of Radio Liberty Armenian service, Hrayr Tamrazyan, in an interview with “Aravot”, considers it an achievement in the Armenian journalism as the festival was attended by the most powerful TV channels and TV stations with more than 300 films from 50 countries all over the world. Among them are: CNN, RUSSIA TODAY and BBC.
In March, it will be clear what prize will be awarded to the “Hidden Armenians” film telling about the Armenian families who have forcedly converted their belief and nationality as a result of the Genocide. Hrayr Tamrazyan and his team have meticulously worked 50 hours to make the material a film. He has personally selected the music that uniquely supplemented the saying in the film.
He says that shooting a film is like a poem and its birth is difficult. Incidentally, the “Hidden Armenians” film was highly appraised by the Turkish well-known historian Taner Akçam and has posted it on his Facebook page.