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Against the Stream

March 04,2016 13:06

Recently, Russian businessman Ruben Vardanyan said that we should not mandatorily set a goal to go against the stream, it is just necessary to go in the direction, which you think is right. The businessman is right, only it often happens that your selected direction is against the stream. Let me give a simple example. Recently, some “reliable sources” have revealed that the US billionaire Kirk Kerkorian has written in his will to allegedly give part of his millions to Armenia but to evade the Armenian authorities. If you had gone “simultaneously” with the stream, I would also say, wow, another slap, a true assessment, and so on. But I know that none solid western businessman will not write such a thing in his will. And lately, our partner Harut Sasunyan who indeed is a reliable source confirmed my conviction. “Those who were saying “wow” naturally did not say, “Sorry, we were wrong.”

You must do only one thing to “comply with the stream”, without thinking long, to attach a label to a man or a phenomenon without understanding and going into the details, a label that compels our upbringing or maybe some “authorities” and then ignore all those facts and judgments that may enter into conflict with the stereotypes. Gorbachev’s 85th anniversary? He destroyed the Soviet Union by the order of “CIA”. Levon? The First, Founder, victories, an island of democracy. Or vice versa, the one who destroys the country, a dictator, an author of “cold and darkness”. Putin? An insane with imperialistic ambitions. Or vice versa, a hero that regenerated Russia, the only world leader embodying the good.

The assessments are many but the “mainstream” is one: minimum mental strain, ready-made labels and use of formulas. Naturally, you will ask whether Hitler or Stalin also deserve a comprehensive assessment. Imagine, yes. Any perpetrator, of course, should take his punishment. However, it does not prevent to come out of the “stream” of assessments. Otherwise, we would not understand why, for example, the methods of Stalinism and NKVD (People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs) continue living in Armenia until now, in the legally independent Armenia for over 25 years.

The one who goes against the stream is like a sober man who enters a room where his friends who have already emptied several bottles of vodka are gathered and are trying to sing a song. This man turning to his friends says, “Wait a minute, guys. Let us understand what we want to sing.”


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