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Labels and “phobias”

March 11,2016 13:58

The most popular label of these days, which is repeated in the media and on the Internet is “Russophobia”, under which presumably hatred towards the Russian people and the Russian state is understood. Ii is ironical that this label also sometimes is attached to me too.

People who (sorry for my immodesty) writes and speaks Russian worse than I do and have read fewer Russian writers’ works than I, express doubt that I have some negative feelings towards this wonderful country and its people. Yes, I do not like the regime that currently exists in Russia at this time: it would be solely up to Russians if this regime were not associated with our Armenian regime, which I do not like either. Can we assume from this that I am anti-Armenian? The system that we (yes, we) have created is the copy of the Russian system, and its roots are in the system existing for decades, whose general architect, incidentally, was not Russian by nationality.

Russia should be our No. 1 partner. But a true partner rather than a lord. To understand how the partnership relations are different from vassal-sovereign relationships, we can make a few “tests in mind”. Imagine that an Armenian journalist (God forbid) is killed in Russia. Should our NSS kidnap the alleged murderers, bring them to Yerevan and judge here? Imagine that an Armenian journalist is writing a half-done article about the armament of the Russian army where there are elements containing military secrets. Will the Russians like it? And if they did not like it, whether it would mean that the Russians are anti-Armenians. Imagine that an Armenian soldier kills a Russian family in Russia, and this soldier is not handed over to the law enforcement agencies of Russia. Would it not cause rage to our friendly nation? Therefore, it is said, you shall treat your brother (even your younger brother) as you would like him to treat you.

Certainly, there are people in Armenia suffering from various “phobias”. These phobias can be directed against nations, religions, sexual minorities, political and social views. These unfortunate “sufferers” are very easy to be recognized from their very first uttered or written word. This kind of people usually attaches labels.



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