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“Closed” topics

April 15,2016 11:16

The recent events compel us to review the discussion accents on some of the topics. Nevertheless, addressing these topics in some sense seems pointless to me.

1/ “Russia is our ally but it does this and that.” It’s no longer a senseless question, Russia is not our ally just as all other countries around the world are not our allies. To demanding something from Russia, complaining of its behavior, organizing demonstrations, blaming, whimpering and citing the “century-old friendship” is pointless. degrading and directly hits our national dignity. I am not saying that we need to spoil relations with any country but to have expectations and then complain about why our expectations were not fulfilled; period, it is already a shame to display a behavior of a 3 years old child. We do not have expectations, for example, from Israel, do we?

2/ “The Karabakh issue will be settled down this way or that way.” This issue will no way be settled down in the foreseeable future of history. Because Azerbaijan’s objective is not “restoring its territorial integrity” (it is a “smokescreen”), the goal of Azerbaijan and Turkey is not to see any Armenian living in this territory. Accordingly, it is essentially not the Karabakh issue, it is a matter of Armenia and Armenians. The enemy can be temporarily made “silent” by giving a powerful attack from outside of the current territory of Karabakh. But it will not be a settlement of the issue, it will again be another temporary ceasefire, after which the enemy will again recover its strength and will try to attack us because the goal of Azerbaijan and Turkey, I repeat, is the extermination of Armenians rather than living next to Armenians in this or that status. However, it is impossible for Armenia and Artsakh to cease being an Armenian territory, similarly, it is also impossible for Azerbaijan state to cease existing. Accordingly, I cannot imagine who the matter that is called a “Karabakh issue” is going to be solved.

3/ “Azerbaijan does everything by “caviar” diplomacy.” In other words, it bribes everybody around the world, therefore, these people are taking an anti-Armenian posture. Indeed, this is partly true but giving exclusively such an explanation to the situation means to justify the fantastic idleness and unawareness of foreign political responsible entities.

Unlike the first two clauses, where the topic, I think, is closed once and forever, the third clause is not so “hopeless.” Because it depends only on us.



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