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What is the bravery here?

April 18,2016 18:00

A woman living in Moscow, in a virtual field, “brushed down” the NKR Vice-Prime Minister Arthur Aghabekyan why he turn to Russia’s Armenians for help to Artsakh instead of turning to Armenia’s underground authorities. I do not want to dispute the content although I think that one “applying” does not exclude the other. In this case, I am more interested in the reaction of this “brushing down”, well done, brave Armenian woman.

Explain to me please what is the bravery here? Suppose, I’m writing a blasphemy against any functionary of Armenia, is this a heroic deed? Well, let’s say someone who is not familiar with the Armenian realities thinks that I can be persecuted for it. But if I live, let’s say, in Moscow and I “brush down” a functionary living in Stepanakert, so whether it requires some bravery from me.

Or, when, let’s assume, an Armenian living in Glendale call on Armenians living in Armenia to go out into the street and a revolution. Is it a bravery? I do not also discuss here whether the call is right or wrong. But may I suggest, dear fellow citizens, if you think you’re right to go out into the street, then come back to Armenia and go out to the street.

The standards of “bravery” and “heroism” in the virtual field are different, they are different from the standards of the real life. Especially in these days we have seen examples of hundreds of real heroisms. Certainly, speech is also important. But it seems to me that restrained, arguments and recommendations containing speech gets to the destination faster than the speech that is said under the influence of emotions aiming to “show a hero” and be engaged in populism.



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