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There is a need for frankly talking

April 22,2016 11:28

How do you imagine an official of Armenia who is standing in front of the parents of 100 deceased guys and says, “Although your sons have deceased defending a few meters of the homeland from the enemy, I agree to voluntarily and without a fight surrender a few regions and to allow the same enemy’s army and heavy artillery to advance not a few meters but dozens of kilometers and attack our towns and villages.” I assume that there is no such an official. But is there an official who can stands in front of Putin and Lavrov saying, “no, we will not do what you say.” I hope that there is.

Today, the vast majority of the citizens of Armenia authorize our authorities to say “No” to “Kazan”, “Madrid” or “lavrov” principles. These are not emotions, false patriotism nor militarism. Me too, I do not think that we should be eternal enemies with Azerbaijanis, simply the 4-day war showed that the neighboring country will use all the opportunities to annihilate Armenians in the most savage manner and lead the implementation of the proposed “peace projects” not to peace but to the long-lasting and bloody war.

Armenia’s authorities must not only say “no” to these projects but also be accountable to our society for their further moves in foreign policy. Usually, in response to such demand, the foreign minister said that “everything is confidential.” Certainly, the basic negotiation details can be confidential but the vague formulations in principle matters are no longer acceptable, the foreign political ministry must announce, we are against this idea but not that idea. And the society must say whether they accept the course of this foreign policy or not. Otherwise, there is a doubt that Russia’s instructions are fulfilled under the veil of “confidentiality”.

Likewise, the oligarchs instead of throwing cigarette boxes in the direction of the tankers and be photographed in the trenches with shining boots, let them announce, I have given an X amount of money but for buying an Y type of weapon. No need to publicize the make of production of the country, let it be a secret, we are interested to know the areas where the budget and non-budget funds are spent.

The more I communicate with people, I understand that they are in need to be treated warmly by the authorities and to a more genuine conversation. And the recent events showed that our society deserves it. Especially, the young generation.



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