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“”Komitas-fans” Association is operating in Japan”

May 14,2016 10:12

“Aravot” had met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia, H.E. Mr. Eiji Taguchi

Japan is an ancient and culturally advanced country. The art of Japanese masters in landscape, painting, porcelain, architecture, theater and other areas is noteworthy. It is also known for its unique art of ikebana and bonsai. The attention of the fans of Armenian classical music was attracted by the announcement of the next concert of Armenia’s National Philharmonic Orchestra (artistic director Eduard Topchjan) to be held at the “Aram Khachatryan” concert hall today, which informed that it will be conducted by Japanese conductor Hisayoshi Inoue, whose art, again conducting the same orchestra, we are acquainted in the late 1990s.

The repertoire includes composer Yasushi Akutagava’s “Sounds” for organ and orchestra, American pianist and composer Karen Hakobyan’s vocalize for voice and orchestra and symphonic concerto for piano and orchestra, as well as there will be excerpts from Khachaturian’s “Spartacus” ballet. Narine Ananikyan, mezzo soprano and soloist of National Opera Theatre and organist Hovhannes Manukyan were invited to the event. To our observation whether the tours of Japanese artists and cultural groups are not often although in 2015, the Armenian audience was delighted with the performance of traditional Japanese Kabuki theater in Yerevan, the high art music of violinist Akiko Suwanai accompanied by our Philharmonic Orchestra as well as the pianist Takahiro Akiba’s art performing in Yerevan with once famous singer Araks Mansuryan.

Since the announcement of today’s concert mentions not only the RA Ministry of Culture but also the Embassy of Japan to Armenia as supporters, “Aravot” expressed a desire to ask directly to the ambassador about the cultural ties between our countries. Caption: conductor Hisayoshi Inoue.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia, H.E. Mr. Eiji Taguchi kindly accepted us. Mr. Ambassador sharing our observation also repeated that today, the cultural relations between Armenia and Japan are not sufficient and active. Moreover, Mr. Taguchi said that the Japanese broad public does not have sufficient knowledge about the culture of Armenia and vice versa. While Japan and Armenia are countries with ancient cultures. But there is a guarantee to jointly develop these relations. “For example, I am still impressed by Komitas-Dolukhanyan’s “Swallow,” I am familiar with the art of Komitas, Khachaturian, Babajanyan, and Mansuryan,” said our interlocutor. He also added that when he was appointed an Ambassador to Armenia on January 1, 2015, he was invited by the Director of Komitas Museum-Institute, Nikolai Konstandyan, to attend the concert and enjoy the works of Komitas performed by “Speghani” Chamber Choir conducted by Sarina Avtandilyan. Mr. Ambassador noted that he is aware of the positive feedback of the Japanese tour of the Komitas String Quartet and the Philharmonic Orchestra of Armenia several years ago (2008). “In the fall, there will be a symposium at the Komitas Museum-Institute where our famous NOH theater will perform. Specifically in September, we will have the demonstrational performances of karate, judo, fencing, aikido arts. The cooperation in the cultural field will be continual, and we have already scheduled the performance of Japanese “Shamisen” ensemble in the fall of 2017 (Shamisen is a 3-stringed Japanese guitar), the exhibition of works of artists of applied arts and so on,” said Mr. Taguchi. We can also cooperate in the cultural and educational sphere. We reminded the ambassador that in 1965, Aram Khachaturian trusted his Violin Concerto at the great Tchaikovsky hall in Moscow to a 13-year-old Japanese Yoko Sato who later took classes from the famous composer. In response, the ambassador assured that he would seriously think about it. During this conversation about cultural, ambassador Eiji Taguchi confirming not sufficient and active relations between Armenian and Japanese was repeatedly emphasizing that there is a “Komitas-fans” Association operating in Japan. At the end of our conversation, we asked the Ambassador to express his opinion about the recent incidents on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. “First of all, my condolences to the victims’ families and relatives. The war, I assure you, does not solve any issue, the war is blood. I am confident that this issue will be urgently settled down peacefully with the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs,” said Eiji Taguchi.

Samvel DANIELYAN “Aravot” daily


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