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Ruzanna Muradyan. “Loan is given to the country which they trust.”

June 20,2016 10:44

“If there are problems in the country, incidentally, they are not only problems that have generated during this period but many of them are also inherited, there is also a problem of fighting against the future challenges along others, we cannot overcome all with our efforts,” said RPA faction MP Ruzanna Muradyan in an interview with, referring to a few loan agreements discussed during the extraordinary session of the parliament which were strongly criticized by the opposition.

Mrs. Muradyan opines that it is necessary to welcome the hand that it stretched out to improve something in your house, “Another question that we must strengthen the control mechanisms to ensure that these funds are spent earmarked and try to create an atmosphere of trust. Without the loans, we will not be able to ensure development. Naturally, we are a small country. Loan support is a must for any reforms.”

Our interlocutor addressed also particularly the education reforms that are also implemented by loan programs, “Without these loan programs, we would not be able to create our textbooks, we would not be able to introduce, apply and use the century-demand information technologies correctly. Without them, we would have fallen behind the overall developments. Eventually, the overall structural changes in the educational system. We complain that they are coming to stretch a helpful hand and to ensure our development, whereas we must complain of another thing, moreover, not only complain but protest but be consistent to what extent this loan is spent earmarked, to what extent these funds get to the destination.” In any case, our interlocutor believes that the stretching hand for the infrastructures and the development thereof must be only welcomed, “Loan is given to the country which they trust.”


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