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Armenian Assembly Co-Chairs Advance Key Priorities in D.C.

July 15,2016 23:11

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, Armenian Assembly of America Board of Trustees Co-Chairs Anthony Barsamian and Van Krikorian, having returned from an official visit to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh, held a series of meetings with senior White House officials to discuss ongoing developments in the region.

During their meetings at the National Security Council and the State Department, the Co-Chairs raised the Assembly’s ongoing concerns regarding Azerbaijan’s war in April against Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh and the barbaric attacks against civilians.

“As long as Azerbaijan continues its intransigence and attacks innocent civilians, there can be no lasting resolution,” stated the Assembly Co-Chairs. “Despite the incredible challenges, the people of Nagorno Karabakh continue to flourish and stand strong. They deserve our support, and any solution to the conflict must include them because they are the ones directly threatened and have to live with the consequences,” the Co-Chairs added.

Additional concerns were raised with respect to the treatment of minority communities in Turkey as well as the confiscation of the Armenian church in Diyarbakir. The Assembly Co-Chairs also stressed the need for U.S. assistance to help the growing refugee population in Armenia, additional aid to Nagorno Karabakh to help in the aftermath of the war, and U.S. reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide which will help U.S. credibility in the region.

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.

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