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Local EU statement on recent events in Armenia

July 21,2016 15:57

The European Union Delegation issues the following statement in agreement with the EU Members States´ Heads of Mission in Armenia.

 We stress that the use of force to achieve political change is unacceptable and offer our condolences to the family of Colonel Artur Vanoyan, Deputy Commander of the Patrol Regiment of the Yerevan Police Department. We wish all persons injured in connection with the hostage situation at the police station in Erebuni swift and full recovery.

With concern we note reports on excessive use of force and mass arrests by the police. In that regard, we call on the authorities to observe the principle of proportionality in handling public manifestations, which applies to both peaceful and violent gatherings. Likewise, demonstrators need to refrain from violence in the exercise of their civil rights.

We also take note of the statements issued by the Ombudsman and call for a full investigation of all cases of alleged wrongdoing by the police, including mistreatment, denial of access to lawyers and medical care.


Delegation to Armenia

Political, Economic, Press and Information Section

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