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“Azerbaijan should sign a peace treaty.” Artak Davtyan

September 06,2016 13:24

As compared to September 2, 1991, the territory of NKR is doubled. In 2007-2015, the GDP of NKR is tripled. In the next 25 years, NKR will have 300 000 population. Today, these data were presented at the “Pastark” press club by Republican MP Artak Davtyan who spoke about the achievements of independent Artsakh. Back to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement process, he raised a proposal that a peace agreement must be concluded between the parties, “As long as Azerbaijan has not come to the decision that no force should be used, there could be no progress in the process. Without it, it is impossible for the parties to come to a common denominator. I do not expect any progress in this matter in the near future.

After the April “adventure”, some time is needed for the parties to come to a conclusion, and the key to mutual understanding is the agreement on the use of threat of force between the parties. New moves could be made afterward. I think that this agreement or a peace treaty should come first.” Back to the ambitions of Artsakh to reunify to Armenia, Davtyan said that it is up to the decision of the people of Artsakh: “The people of Artsakh have agreed on by the referendum that Artsakh is an independent state. As to what will be determined by the result of the negotiations, let us leave it for their decision. No matter what the Artsakh people decide, we will respect it.”



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