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“Russia will always try to cajole Turkey and Azerbaijan on Artsakh issue.” Giro Manoyan

September 06,2016 17:15

Armenia has no problem to directly worry about Russian-Turkish rapprochement, simply Armenia needs to be alert and follow the developments of the events. This was said by Giro Manoyan, director of ARF Bureau’s Hay Dat (Armenian Cause) and Political Affairs Office, on September 5, at the “Pastark” press club. He noted that despite the efforts to strengthen the Russian-Turkish rapprochement, Putin’s and Erdoğan’s approaches on Syria are different.

Russia is worried about Turkey’s intrusion to Syria. As for the Artsakh issue in the context of these relations, Manoyan said: “We should not be surprised that Russia will always try to cajole Turkey and Azerbaijan. Russia can make statements that we need to worry about, but let us note that Russia has always made an effort to cajole Turkey. Russia takes the advantage to removing Turkey from the West. Therefore, Russia can state something on Artsakh, and it will not mean anything.”


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