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“Prime minister’s issue in Armenia is already closed and for a long time”

September 12,2016 13:00

At the rally of the “Civic Agreement” political party, party members nominated board member Nikol Pashinyan in the position of a candidate for the prime minister. asked the expert in political and electoral technologies, Armen Badalyan, whether Nikol Pashinyan’s abilities would suffice to work in the post of the prime minister of the country.

Prime minister’s issue in Armenia is closed. This means that irrespective of which political party will nominate someone for the post of prime minister, discussing this issue becomes meaningless because the prime minister’s issue in Armenia is closed for a long time,” – said the expert in response. Nevertheless, Mr. Badalyan mentioned an expert that if we want to find out whether this or that politician can work in the position of a prime minister, we must study the previous activities of the said politician, “If he has held an executive position: a governor, mayor or a minister of some industry or has been a leader in some business company, then we need to study his activities.  If the said person has not held either of the positions, then you cannot tell whether he can work as a prime minister or not, this would already be a guesswork.”


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