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Ambassador Mkrtchyan’s meeting with the members of Armenia friendship group in Lithuania’s Seimas

September 14,2016 12:29

On September 13 Tigran Mkrtchyan, Armenia’s Ambassador to Lithuania, had a meeting with the members of Armenia friendship group in Lithuania’s Seimas.

Greeting the Ambassador, Dangutė Mikutienė, the head of the friendship expressed confidence that the previously formed friendly relations will have continuation.

The Ambassador noted that necessary steps will be undertaken aimed at further deepening of Lithuania-Armenia political dialogue, activation of mutual visits, ensuring of the continuous increase of trade volumes, organization of cultural events.

The Ambassador presented the main directions of his mission, in particular underlining the importance of economic and cultural diplomacy.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan thoroughly talked about the priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy, the efforts exerted by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs in the peaceful settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

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