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Armenia’s ministry of Urban Development scrapped, other Ministries tenamed

September 26,2016 22:15

YEREVAN (A.W.)—The Armenian Government’s Chief of Staff Davit Harutyunyan announced on Sept. 22 that Armenia’s Ministry of Urban Development will be scrapped, while the Ministries of Energy and Natural Resources, Transport and Communication, and Economy will be renamed.

The Ministry of Economy—which is headed by acting Minister Artsvik Minasyan of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF)—will now be called the Ministry of Investment and Business Support.  “Information Technologies” will also be added to the name of the Ministry of Transport and Communication, while the Ministry of Urban Development will be restructured into a committee. A committee of Architecture and Cultural Preservation was also announced as a part of the restructuring.

According to newly appointed Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan, the state committee of water economy will be included in the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, as “there are a number of problems connected with water resources in Armenia.”

It was also announced that the aviation department will move to the Ministry of Transport and Communications, while the department of tourism will be separated from the Economy Ministry to be reorganized into a committee “to better tackle problems we are facing,” according to the new PM

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