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“We do not recognize violence against demonstrators.” Dirk Lorenz

October 08,2016 18:30

As we have already reported, the European Union has considered and raised concerns regarding the events happened in the territory of Police Patrol Regiment of Armenia in July. asked Dirk Lorenz, the Head of the Political, Economic, Press and Information Department of the EU delegation in Armenia, to detail about the concerns raised and the conclusions made.  The EU official replied, “As a close partner, the European Union follows the developments of the country. In July we have closely followed the events in Erebuni police station and have also issued public statement underlining concerns that the use of force to achieve political change unacceptable and the same time it is unacceptable for us the use of force against protestors.  Hence, we have urged the authorities to conduct a serious investigation.”

To our observation that numerous civic activists participating in the July events are currently in prison, and human rights activists consider them political prisoners, Mr. Lorenz responded, “This is in the first place also an issue which the ombudsman should follow and is following and of course as a diplomatic community we are following also very closely. What is important is that Armenia has committed internationally and also domestically some obligations and they are to be kept.”  Dirk Lorenz refrained from commenting on individual cases related to the arrests, saying that they will discuss issues with human rights defender in Armenia in the spring next year, hence, afterward they will draw conclusions.

Citing the estimates by a number of human rights activists that the inmates by the cases of Sari Tagh and Khorenatsi events are political prisoners, we asked the EU official whether these people can be considered political prisoners, Mr. Lorenz replied, “We can discuss this issue later after the investigation is over. We cooperate with Armenian government by the format of human rights dialog and we have next session in spring and there we will discuss all these issues in very open and frank manner.”  Mr. Lorenz also talked about the recent LGU elections held in Armenia.

To our reminders whether in the meantime they have impeded the work of the observers and journalists, and used violence against the journalists, Dirk Lorenz again refrained from giving specific estimates, emphasizing that he is closely following the investigation process and they will be able to draw conclusions only after its completion.


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