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“Panama documents.”  PACE also considered Mihran Poghosyan’s offshore scandals

October 12,2016 12:30

The fall plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) discussed the “Panama documents”.  After the presentation of Austrian lawmaker Stefan Schennach’s report, the PACE delegates delivered their speech.  Azerbaijani delegate Rafael Hüseynov speculated the fact of mentioning the name of the former head of the Compulsory Enforcement Service of the RA Ministry of Justice, Mihran Poghosyan, in Panama documents for describe the RA authorities corrupted.  After this speech, the member of the Armenian delegation to PACE, Mikael Melkumyan and Naira Karapetyan countered him.  Mrs. Karapetyan announced that Mihran Poghosyan has already resigned.

In an interview with, a member of the Armenian delegation to PACE, Mikael Melkumyan, assured that he has torn the mask of Aliyev’s family from the tribune of the PACE, “I have referred to Aliyev’s family: Leyla and Arzu. Mehriban Aliyevs whose names are registered in various offshore companies. Moreover, the tax minister has personally registered them.”  Mr. Melkumyan presented other details in this respect from the PACE tribune.


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