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Bako Sahakyan visited newly built kindergarten in Martakert region

October 15,2016 23:02

On 15 October Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan visited the Martakert region.

In the Nerqin Horatagh village the President visited the newly built kindergarten. The Head of the State considered the expansion of preschool educational institution network in the countryside among the most significant issues our state faced noting that it would remain in the spotlight of the authorities.

In the Martakert regional center the President was present at a solemn opening ceremony of a new hotel.

In the Mets Shen village the Head of the State partook at solemn opening ceremonies of a newly-built House of Culture, statue of philanthropist Karlen Yesayan and a manse adjunct to the St. Gevorg church.


President Sahakyan expressed gratitude to the Yesayan family at the head of Sara Yesayan for the realization of the above-mentioned projects in the town of Martakert and Mets Shen village highlighting their consistent support to Artsakh.

Central Information Department of the Office of the Artsakh Republic President


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