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Government Approves the Program of the Government of the Republic of Armenia

October 19,2016 12:00

An extraordinary Cabinet sitting was held today, chaired by Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan. The meeting focused on two key issues: the Program of the Government of the Republic of Armenia; the Government Resolution “On Government’s initiative to convene extraordinary National Assembly session.”

The draft government program was introduced by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of International Economic Integration and Reforms Vache Gabrielyan who emphasized that the challenges facing our country call for immediate reform, involving and using the full potential of Armenia and Armenians all over the world.

Vache Gabrielyan stressed the need to implement effective reforms to provide safe, dignified and better living standards, the possibility of living in an equitable society, as well as an optimistic future for our citizens who are looked upon as a supreme value in our country.

“To my mind, we have set ourselves quite an interesting weight, which can only be lifted if we concentrate our potential,” Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan emphasized and urged the heads of government agencies to focus on its implementation. “Everyone shall be held accountable: the time will come to report back what we have done or have failed to do, and what is to be ruled out in practice,” he said.

The meeting approved the government program, which will be submitted to the National Assembly in the prescribed manner.

Under the second item, the Government decided to ask for an extraordinary National Assembly session due on October 20, 12: 00 Prime Minister: the agenda features the approval of the government program.

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