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President received representatives of the 8th Panarmenian Journalists Conference

October 25,2016 22:25

President Serzh Sargsyan received today representatives of the 8th Panarmenian Journalists Conference titled Armenian Statehood: The Pivot of Unity which was held in Armenia and Artsakh on October 20-24.

As the press department of the President’s Office reports, the Conference was attended overall by 140 journalists and editors from 31 countries.

President Sargsyan saluted the conference, which is being conducted in Fatherland for the eighth time and is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the two Armenian states.

“You are very powerful; your activities give us confidence and vigor to fulfill our responsibilities utilizing all our capacities. During one of our previous meetings, we spoke about the fact that from our point of view, it is necessary to speak about two separate issues: the first is the work of those mass media outlets and journalists who target the Armenian community, i.e. works aimed at the preservation of the Armenian identity, and the second task is to unite journalists of the Armenian descent working in different countries of the world. In the first as well as in the second case it is critical in this rapidly changing world to find proper formats for the work, to ensure interest towards the topics we are working on, publicize and strive to have influence on this or that issue. I believe in both cases it is very important to remain always true to the journalistic propriety. It is equally important for us to be able to combine our efforts, to reveal those substantial issues which require the major part of our vigor and capacities,” said President Serzh Sargsyan.

Noting that in journalism it is impossible to achieve success by denying small lies with larger ones or establishing legitimacy through illegal means, the President of Armenia underscored that the sharper the pen of the one who speaks the truth, more useful he will be and will do no harm, while the same pen or journalistic abilities, the influence of the media, if used carelessly can cause huge problems.

After the welcoming remarks, the President proposed to conduct the meeting in the Q and A format so that he can answer all questions raised by the journalists.

The journalists and heads of journalistic agencies were interested in the approaches and position of the Armenian side regarding the NK peace process, reforms to be conducted in Armenia in accordance with Armenia’s new Constitution, strengthening and existing potential in the Armenia-Spyurk relations, including the opportunities for the full utilization of the capacities of the journalistic community, state policy related to the attraction to Armenia of foreign investments, and other issues.

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