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Deputy Police Chief . We disagree as if there are too many police forces in Armenia

November 01,2016 16:19

Deputy Police Chief, Vardan Yeghiazaryan gave a report at the Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs and Financial -Credit and Budgetary Affairs at the National Assembly. Deputy of the National Assembly Miqayel Melkumyan wondered how many policemen we had, but in case of being problematic, he asked to make comparisons. Vardan Yeghiazaryan said that the numbers were secret, “According to our methodology and the numbers we have, we are in  quite good positions from the point of view that it is always speculated that the number of policemen in Armenia is over -exaggerated.

It is not like that”. He added that the specific weight of policemen for one hundred thousand citizens is less than in Bulgaria, Czech, Cyprus, Slovenia, Montenegro,  Austria. According to him, that number is comparable and close to Estonia and Australia, “Thus, we principally do not agree with the information spread on mass media and the established public opinion that there are too many police forces in Armenia”.


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