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Prime Minister has accepted the proposal of businessman Paylak Hayrapetyan, victim in “Offshore” case (video)

November 04,2016 22:50

Speaking to us victim in “Offshore” case, businessman Paylak Hayrapetyan had said that he had turned to PM of Armenia Karen Karapetyan by presenting a project on the development of industry in Armenia. Today at the end of the regular session on the “Offshore” case he told that during a recently held meeting the Prime Minister had accepted his proposal.
– “He had accepted the proposal very well, he has given an assignment to the Minister of Economy, and now we have written a new letter to him asking to assign the governors of the marzes to give us 5000 hectares of unused arable land so that we can make raw material- to sow cotton,” during the talk with us said Paylak Hayrapetyan, adding that once the cotton of Armenia was one of the bests in the world.

According to Paylak Hayrapetyan it is envisaged to establish approximately 10 factories and open 15 000work places with his project. Our interlocutor added that they had asked the Prime Minister to mediate to get short-term loans in order to implement this project.


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