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“Azerbaijan must agree on the independence of Artsakh” Sharmazanov’s response to Zakharova’s statement

November 06,2016 00:07

In the talk with deputy president of the National Assembly, Eduard Sharmazanov interpreted the statement of Maria Zakharova, official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, that was about the statement of the president of Azerbaijan on the status of Artskh. Note that Aliev had noted that “the only concession is the granting Nagorno Karabakh a status of an autonomous district”.

Recently Zakharova has interpreted it in the following way;

“The sides should come to an agreement. No military action can further the peaceful settlement  of the NK conflict.”

“Yes, the sides should come to an agreement and Azerbaijan must agree on the independence of Artsakh,” said Eduard Sharmazanov.

To our observation that “perhaps Zakharova means that the sides should come to an agreement on Aliev’s proposal?” Eduard Sharmazanov countered, “No. The Armenian sides both at the negotiation table and out of it have said that the people of NKR could not be within Azerbaijan with any status. The people of NKR should have the complete right to realize their right of self-determination by referendum and even the complete independence.”



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