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Serzh Sargsyan Participated at the Conference Of the ARP Women’s Council

November 07,2016 13:30

President of Armenia, Chairman of the Armenia’s Republican Party (ARP) Serzh Sargsyan participate today at the “Armenia-25: The World and Women” Conference organized by the ARP Women’s Council. The Conference, which took place at the meeting hall of the Government of Armenia, is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Armenia’s independence. President Serzh Sargsyan greeted the participants of the Conference.
President Serzh Sargsyan’s address at the “Armenia-25: The World and Women” Conference

Distinguished Colleagues,
Dear Ladies,

I am very happy for the opportunity to meet with you today. Meetings in this format have already become traditional regardless of where they take place – in Yerevan, or somewhere else. The experience of our previous meetings proves that we have many questions to discuss and consult about. Personally, I am always ready for a dialogue, and miss no opportunity to discuss with you our future programs and tasks. Your, as partners, inquiries, advice and even critique I view as necessary and useful. The Republican is a conservative Party. We strive to preserve and strengthen our traditional families which have always been the most impregnable fortress which guaranteed historical existence of the Armenian nation. In the Armenian reality, women have always had their strong and solid position. Motherhood, mother’s place and role in the Armenian family have always been viewed as the source of life and the holy of holies.

Today we owe the strong, high and defiant spirit reigning in Armenian Army first and foremost to our mothers. We bow to the mothers who lost their sons; their sons had fallen for our Fatherland. They bear the grief of that grave and irreplaceable loss with the exceptional dignity. However, I would not limit my address to the role of the women in the life of the Armenian family, or to raising children and organization of the daily life. Women’s role, participation and contribution to the social life are not less important. We are proud with the Armenian women’s achievement in every area of our life, from culture and education to army, from entrepreneurship to health care.

I believe one of our times’ problems is the artificial disagreement between the personal and familial life on one side and social and state life on the other side. I am sure that there should not be such dilemma.

Our society comprises mature men and women. Next to a successful man there ought to always be a woman, a successful woman. We encourage that. It is our principled position and that position will constantly be manifested in our clear-cut stance.

Dear Colleagues,

Our Constitution and laws guarantee full equality of men and women. Thus, we have to persistently implement the provisions of the law; particularly we have to continue to expand women’s involvement in political life and decision making. In this context, it is critical to involve the women in the efficient implementation of the constitutional reforms. The referendum, which took place on December 6, 2015, didn’t conclude but gave a start to a very important process. Through the reforms in the Constitution we make a step towards a more democratic system of governing for our society and towards a more powerful Armenia.

Today our country is going through serious changes. Significant and critical changes lie ahead. These changes are not limited to names and faces. The reforms will be large-scale and structural, and their results will not linger. Moreover, the results will be tangible and visible to each citizen of Armenia.

Such comprehensive and inclusive reforms can be implemented only and only through the wide and collective support of the society. Women’s active participation and involvement will be crucial.

The coming two or three years will be critical. I am confident that the women of our country have things to tell and to do. I expect you to take upon that task with all your potential. I also suggest that you expand our horizons and look beyond two or three years. I would be happy to learn about your ideas and vision in a long-term perspective. Let us reckon together what our country should be in 2020 or 2030 or even in 2040. Let these be clear-cut objective and let there be precise plans for their implementation. I am confident that your organization possesses potential for fulfilling this task.

I have no doubt that the life of our citizens will improve day by day.

I have no doubt that Armenia will be a strong and prosperous country.

I have no doubt that in making this a reality the full disclosure of our women’s intellectual and organizational skills will be substantial.

Dear Ladies,

In conclusion, I wish you success in your public and political activities and in your personal lives.

Thank you.


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