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“The Fines for the brazen puppies of the officials and oligarchies  must be multiplied by thousands” Naira Zohrabyan

November 08,2016 16:48

PAP (Prosperous Armenia Party )Leader Naira Zohrabyan thinks that the “nationalization” of the “red lines”, price reduction of airport services, gas, electricity is a pre-election step; she believes that the authorities could have done these reforms earlier but there was no political expedience for that.

“Of course, it was possible to do it earlier, is this a pre-election step? Of course it is. But it all the same to me, let it be a pre-election step, may they want to write an abolition of the “red lines” after the Republican Party or budget of speedometers, if the citizen of the Republic of Armenia will benefit from that, their motivation has no significance to me. I understand there are pre-election codes, messages in the motivations. Throughout these years we were saying that it was an open robbery and plunder, we were saying that the fines were disproportionate to the salaries of our citizens and not only disproportionate but also illogical, why weren’t these steps taken? They were taken because, perhaps, there was not political expedience for it,” said PAP leader to

Mrs. Zohrabyan offers to direct the money gathered from the “red lines” not only to the budget but to examine the experience of the European countries.

“For example, in the European countries the red lines lose their functional significance after 6 p.m. after the end of the working day, people can park there. Besides that, the fines for those speedometers are just plunder, I repeat the fines are disproportionate to the incomes of the citizens, the fines should be reduced several times. I am in favor that for the brazen puppies, who are usually puppies of the officials and oligarchs, the fines must be multiplied by thousands, but when a taxi driver, who came to the city from a village to earn his everyday bread and due to our disgraceful traffic has to park in the second line to take a passenger and gets fine for that, is just unfair.”




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