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Why the dollar is rising?

November 10,2016 15:00

It is two days the dollar rate has started to rise. If two days ago the exchange points were buying one dollar for 474-476 drams, today the price of one dollar is 480-482 drams. The increase of the dollar rate has caused concern among the people. Especially among those citizens whose loans will be served in dollars. What factors influence the increase of the dollar rate in the conversation with economist Vilen Khachatryan said;


“If we try to connect the increase of the dollar rate with the inner factors, then most probably, I think, it is directed to the service of the debt because our banks have spent a great amount of resources on obtaining bonds. And it is  More than 100 milliard,  and it turns out that the banks serve the inner dept. The state has also accumulated sufficient dollar resources as a result of export, which, in case of selling it at a high price, can return the money of those bonds and also serve in drams. Thus, I think to some extent this is directed to the service of the inner debt.”

To our question whether there are external factors, Mr. Khachatryan did not exclude it. According to him, the problem can be conditioned by the American elections, in particular with one of the candidates- ց’s victory;

“If she wins, then changes may be made in the policy of federal reserve because it was anticipated that after the elections the there should be increase of dollar. Thus, most probbly that scenario is played.”

Lusine Budaghyan

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