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Trump’s good relations with the Azerbaijani authorities are guarantees for Armenia

November 14,2016 11:22

“The United States is the country which always preserves its state line never being distracted from it.  Accordingly, no matter how eccentric Donald Trump was in his behavior and statements, anyway, not much will undergo changes in US policy though this policy will not be the same as it was the policy of the last ten years,” – said former senior officer of the National Security Service, Gurgen Yeghiazaryan, in an interview with,  referring to the US presidential elections.

Recall that despite all predictions, billionaire Donald Trump who has no political past was elected the US 45th President.  Gurgen Yeghiazaryan singles out one questions in all happened: what happened during President Obama’s tenure, and what can save the world during Donald Trump’s tenure.  “When President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, to be honest, I was horrified that day.  He was speaking about the withdrawal of the US troops from Guantanamo and Afghanistan but so far, nothing has been changed in Cuba, also in Afghanistan, even after the withdrawal of American troops blood is shed until now.  While Obama was awarded this Peace Prize for these promises.  Maybe the prize was given to him specifically for having the Arab spring then?”- puzzled our interlocutor, adding that perhaps the United States and Obama needed the Arab Spring to destroy Europe.


“The eight million refugees who they say that they do not make the percentage of the 150 million European population are mistaken.  The Arabs have 7-8 children while the Europeans are getting older now.  About 20 years later, with 150 million declining Europe and growing-developing and preserving 8 million Islamic children will be 21-22 years old and will controvert the activities of the European governments and authorities.  In other words, Europe will not be as such as it was before.  It will be the worse situation.  In my opinion, the Arab Spring was first aimed at eliminating tension in the places and transferring it to Europe which actually happened,” says our interlocutor.

After January 20, 2017, when Donald Trump will officially assume the post of the President of America, the tense situation in the Middle East which was the continuation of the Arab Spring, as Gurgen Yeghiazaryan believes, anyway will not be eased as  39 tribes in Libya are now fighting against each other, and this blood will shed for a long time.

There will be no stability in Syria too as Turkey has ambitions towards the Syrian oil wells, there is also the issue of the formation of Kurdistan which requires a solution today.  With the formation Kurdistan, Syrian lands would be detached which will lead to a new bloodshed.  “The stone of war has already been thrown.  But Trump was the candidate who declared that it is necessary to fight against DAESH in cooperation with Russia.  If the US and Russia together fight against DAESH then they will eliminate 50% of terrorism on spot,” opines Gurgen Yeghiazaryan.

The fact that Donald Trump has good relationship with the authorities of Azerbaijan and has business interests in our neighboring rival country, also has quite serious investments in the economy of that country inspires even optimism to Gurgen Yeghiazaryan, “He has quite serious investments in the Azerbaijani oils wells, and one way or another, he must defend the interests of the country in which he has invested.  But Trump’s investments in Azerbaijan will lead to the fact that he will do everything to avoid bloodshed as his investments will suffer in the case of war.  Maybe this is a guarantee for security.”

After the Arab spring, our interlocutor is convinced that the US is not a democratic country as it is pursuing a misanthropic policy.  But the latest elections, however, proved the opposite, “President Obama was defending the interests of Clinton before the whole world, including during the meeting at the Los Angeles college, the youth whistled Clinton to leave the stage which was a shame in the history of the US elections.  The US government agencies, intelligence services and force agencies were even working for Clinton, by all social polls, the preference was given to Clinton in 99 9%, and she encouraged by the product of the sociological mind had even ordered fireworks.  In this case, concocting numbers already become a primitive game.  But look, their democracy was higher, and several hundred organizations with their analysts collapsed.  We are well aware of what the current authorities do in such cases.  But they did not do it proving that the US is indeed an outpost of democracy.  We have much to learn from them.”

However, our interlocutor considers Israel to be the most democratic country in the world, citing the recent presidential elections in this country where Binyamin Netanyahu won by one vote difference.  Gurgen Yeghiazaryan notes that there was one resemblance of the Armenian and US elections: they had Adibekyans too.  Referring to the most sensitive issue for Armenians – the recognition of the genocide – our interlocutor said, “We are regularly expecting that we would hear this term at least from the mouth of any US presidents.  I do not know to what extent it is real.  Trump would have done something very serious for the people of Armenia if he says this.  But after initialing the protocols with Turks, I do not believe in it, it will not happen.”


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