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Defense Minister.  Tense situation on the border

November 17,2016 13:59

“I am confident that we do not have serious injuries,” said Defense Minister of Armenia, Vigen Sargsyan, during the press conference on Tuesday, referring to the situation on the border.  He mentioned that the situation on the border is tense, “The border situation is tense not the first day.

You know that very large-scale military drills are carried out in Azerbaijan, and any such drill causes additional tension.  During the monitoring, comparing all data both operational and intelligence and the remaining data, we assess the situation and based on it, instruct the troops what to do.”

Vigen Sargsyan said that there is no direct threat for the resumption of hostilities, “We build our work based on the fact that we have a very unpredictable opponent, a country that is unpredictable not only with its foreign but also domestic policy, a country that has a rhetoric and propaganda improper for the 21st century and our region, a country that has chosen the approach of creating enemies and building their own policy on the fight against these enemies.  Therefore, everything is expected from this type of a country, and we are ready for unexpected escalations and tension as a result of realized and weakening control.”


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