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Armenia’s Economic Activity Rises by 0.4%

November 21,2016 16:22

The Armenian economic activity index for January-October 2016 surpassed the index of the same period of the previous year by 0.4%. The index decreased by 18.7% in October 2016 compared to September. The National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia has introduced the current-operative preliminary main macro-economic indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of Armenia.

Construction and trade turnover, electricity production have dropped. Consumer price index dropped by 1.5%, index of the price of industrial production increased by 0.5%. Construction volume decreased by 9.8% compared to the same period of the previous year. There is a 6.3% decrease in electricity production. Service volume (trade excluded) rose by 7.7% and the gross agricultural production decreased by 7.3% in 2016.

In the period of January-October 2016, trade turnover declined by 0.1% compared to the same period of 2015 and amounted 1 trillion 753 billion and 834.1 million AMD. Industrial production volume grew by 6.5 % amounting 1 trillion 152 billion 223.3 million AMD.

Average monthly wage increased by 2.4% (185 thousand 689 drams). This is when average monthly wage in the public sector decreased by 1.1% (159 thousand 791 drams). In the private sector the average monthly wage increased by 5.2% (219 thousand 893 drams).

External trade turnover volumes grew by 6.1% (4 billion 067 million USD) against January-September 2015, while exports increased by 19.8% (1 billion 453.7 million USD) and imports decreased by 0.3% (2 billion 613.3 million USD).

US exchange rate against the dram was 480.45.

All absolute rates are presented based on current prices.

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