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Armenian dairy products demanded to be taken off the Russian stores

November 22,2016 22:55

Dustr Marianna LLC has applied to the RA State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition, stating Russian “Debor” (Дебор) and Noginsky Food Plant (Ногинский пищевой комбинат) companies obstruct the entry of the Armenian produced dairy products with a trademark “МАРИАННА” into the Russian market.

The press release, issued by the Commission reads, that Dustr Marianna LLC participated in the World Food Moscow international exhibition last year, where efficient meetings and negotiations were held with number of trade companies over exporting its product to the Russian market.

However, “Debor” and “Noginsky Food Plant” have declared to be the legal holders of “МАРИАННА” and “Marianne” trademarks, thus obstructing the Armenian company’s activity with the mentioned product name. The Russian companies have demanded to withdraw all the products from the Russian stores, otherwise threatening to go to court proceeding.

To note, Dustr Marianna LLC has produced dairy products since 1997 and has always used the trademark which also is registered by the Agency of the Intellectual Property.

Moreover, as the Commission has revealed, the aforementioned Russian companies have never dealt with production and sale of dairy products.

The Commission refers to the Russian Law on Protection of Competition that prohibits the registration of a trademark that is aimed at replacing the competitors in the market which appeared to be the case with the companies, thus constituting an example of unfair competition.

According to the State Commission, the actions of the Debor” and “Noginsky Food Plant” companies are aimed at preventing Dustr Marianna from selling its products in the Russian market, thus restricting the competition.

According to the release, the RA State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition has applied to their Russian counterparts to investigate the case in terms of the violation of the Russian legislation and ensure the unrestricted access of the Armenian product to the Russian market.

“Entities of the EEU member states should have the equal opportunities and conditions of competition to freely circulate products originating in an EEA state within the internal market,’” Chairman of the Commission Artak Shaboyan has noted about the case, vowing his support and readiness to defend the interests and rights of Armenian fair producers abroad.

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