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Karen Bekaryan: Our partners implementing mediation mission have great lessons to learn from the April war

December 17,2016 21:41

“Adjacent non-negotiation table developments taken human lives.  We had casualties, wounded, literally a war which in addition to actual human tragedy could not but leave its imprint on the overall process, including negotiation,” said NA MP Karen Bekaryan on December 16 during the press conference.

He added that Azerbaijan’s steps not deserving a proper response, during the transition of every step to the next step create some sense of impunity and atmosphere for Azerbaijan, that at some point may come out of its coast, “Azerbaijan initiated a planned military action, literally a war, tried to use also the factor of unexpectedness – the factor of advantage.  It is one side of the problem that led to the failure of its plans.  But the fact that it became possible, international, including our partners implementing a mediation mission have to learn great lessons from this.”

Karen Bekaryan noted after the war will not be easy to return to the negotiating table.  “It is very natural that a large number of questions that existed until April, but were constantly pushed back to the 2nd and 3rd plan, became primary.  The point, first of all, is about ensuring certain grounds for predictability of the situation.  More specifically, it was much spoken about until April and it is about the establishment of investigation mechanisms.”



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