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Germany’s Merkel to skip Davos on eve of Trump presidency

January 02,2017 22:41

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is steering clear of the World Economic Forum in Davos, a meeting expected to be dominated by debate over the looming presidency of Donald Trump and rising public anger with elites and globalization. Reports Reuters.
Merkel has been a regular at the annual gathering of political leaders, CEOs and celebrities, traveling to the snowy resort in the Swiss Alps seven times since becoming chancellor in 2005.
But her spokesman told Reuters she had decided not to attend for a second straight year. This year’s conference runs from Jan. 17-20 under the banner “Responsive and Responsible Leadership”. Trump’s inauguration coincides with the last day of the conference.
“It’s true that a Davos trip was being considered, but we never confirmed it, so this is not a cancellation,” the spokesman said.
It is the first time Merkel has missed Davos two years in a row since taking office over 11 years ago and her absence may come as a disappointment to the organizers because her reputation as a steady, principled leader fits well with the theme of this year’s conference.
The German government declined to say what scheduling conflict was preventing her from attending, nor would it say whether the decision might be linked to the truck attack on a Berlin Christmas market that killed 12 people in mid-December.
But after the Brexit vote in Britain and the election of Trump were attributed to rising public anger with the political establishment and globalization, leaders may be more reluctant than usual to travel to a conference at a plush ski resort that has become synonymous with the global elite.

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