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Armenian servicemen hold trainings in Georgia mountains

January 18,2017 01:28

Intermediate Mountain Training Winter Course has launched in Sachkhere Mountain Training School in Georgia, where along with the Georgian military servicemen of NATO member and partner countries – France, Lithuania and Armenia are taking part in it.

According to the report by Sputnik Georgia, the participation of Armenian servicemen in the 25-day trainings had been previously agreed during the RA Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan’s December visit to Georgia.

Georgia’s Defense Ministry says in a released statement that the trainings are planned in two phases. At the first stage, the military will improve the skills of shooting from service guns across the mountain terrain at Orfolo firing ground. During the second phase, they will leave for Gudauri where they have to move in the snow with skis, to arrange snow shelters, to search and evacuate the people affected by the avalanche.
The performance of the military servicemen will be evaluated by scores. After finishing the course, they will receive certificates and badges.

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