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Memorial dedicated to 12-year-old boy killed during April War erected in Artsakh

January 20,2017 11:21

A memorial cross-stone and a drinking fountain in memory of 12-year-old Artsakh boy Vaghinak Grigoryan killed by Azeri fire during the April war was erected in the yard of the secondary school of Nerkin Chartar village in Martuni region of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR). Artsakhpress reports, the ceremony was attended by Vaghinak’s teachers, fellow students and relatives.
“Vaghinak completed his six years of studying with excellent marks. He was such a smart, honest and responsible child. He used to participate in various competitions. Each decision he faced were thoroughly considered, weighed up to avoid mistakes,” Vaghinak’s class master Varduhi Aghabekyan described the boy to Artsakhpress reporter.
The author of the memorial cross-stone is Varazdat Harmbardzumyan, while the initiative was sponsored by the fellow villager Karo Asrumyan residing in Russia.
To remind, Vaghinak Grigoryan, born in 2004, was killed in the yard of the school as a result of missile artillery attack of the Azerbaijani forces on April 2, 2016, while his brother Gevorg Grigoryan, 11, and another school student Vardan Andreasyan, 12, sustained injuries in the attack.

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