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EU Ambassador calls for a ‘reasonable compromise’ over installing video cameras at polling stations

January 25,2017 01:25

The Head of the European Union Delegation to Armenia Ambassador Piotr Świtalski has expressed satisfaction over the introduction of the voter identification technology in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Armenia, planned on April 2, 2017.
At a press conference held on Tuesday at Media Center Ambassador Świtalski described the innovation as a “complex undertaking”, thanking all donors, UNDP and the European Union among them, as well as the government of Armenia for reaching the arrangement and the funding.
“Crossing my fingers, I will say the voter identification technology will be coming soon to Armenia in February and will run a trial of the technology to be everything in place for the election day,” the Ambassador stressed.
Piotr Świtalski next spoke of the video camera installation discussions underway, referring to the unaffordable price requested by a bid company.

“I am moderately optimistic a solution will be found in agreement with a company which can be accepted by political stakeholders. From the donors’ perspectives, we would appeal to reach a reasonable compromise,” the Ambassador said, adding they cannot provide a solution to satisfy all sides involved since the time is very short.
“That will be not a perfect solution, not guarantee everything is done for 100 hundred percent so that no loophole is left but from our perspective it’s better to go for the implementation even if it is not perfect,” the Ambassador explained.

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