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 ‘No, definitely no,’ no belief by civil society to newly-emerged “oppositions”

January 26,2017 09:35

A few months ago, the withdrawal of RPA active figure Hovik Abrahamyan from RPA who ensures votes to various elections for RPA and its leader would seem to someone from the genre of fantasy so as the switch of Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan from RPA to opposition who was in the office for years during the RPA in power.  But today, what seemed impossible have become possible unless, of course, it is about simple dramatization.  Gagik Tsarukyan has the pretention to hold the torch of opposition which he failed to implement this mission several years ago.  His arrival back to the politics into the consolidation of opposition to RPA also gives rise to certain doubts.

The political figures and political scientists have already begun expressing opinions about their ambitions to become an alternative to the government, and will still talk about it for a long time.  While we would like to listen to the voices of people who are looking at the political games from the side in the status of an observer.  Sometimes the “eye from the side” sees better, doesn’t it?

Samvel Martirosyan

Media expert Samvel Martirosyan urges temporarily to forget the word opposition, “The political parties in Armenia have not yet formed with their classical appearance.  Ideology, political approaches: all of this is spontaneous, situational and unexpressed.  Therefore, I would not yet use the word opposition.  There are power-holding political forces in our country; there are political forces striving for power as well as purposeless political forces.  With such an arrangement, I think, we can roughly understand who is who.  And at which moment.”

Artak Kirakosyan

Human rights activist Artak Kirakosyan has the following opinion about these three figures: “They are more regressive forces in my opinion than RPA.  Even if they are opposition to RPA, they are not opposition to the operating corrupt system.”

Izabella Abgaryan

Blogger Isabella Abgaryan, in response to the question of “Aravot” whether she sees Hovik Abrahamyan, Seyran Ohanyan, and Gagik Tsarukyan as an opposition, replied, “No, I do not see.  Any of them is concerned only about the defense of his interests, otherwise, they would have resigned long ago and would be standing in Freedom Square.  In addition, they are of the same type and quality as RPA members.”

Sarhat Petrosyan

Architect Sarhat Petrosyan said about these figures: “I consider them a result of the collision of internal interests of available and ruling political system which is very normal.


As for an opposition, no, never…”  Expert in education Anahit Bakhshyan’s and journalist Karine Kalantaryan’s answers were much more radical and emphasized: “No, definitely no”.

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