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ACNIS Concludes 2016 Activities with New Yearbook

January 28,2017 06:39

 Yerevan—The Armenian Center for National and International Studies (ACNIS) today released the new ACNIS annual yearbook publication, entitled “Armenia-2016: Unlearned Lessons,” during a special reception held at the Center’s office. The event was attended by the yearbook authors, experts, analysts, civic activists and members of the press, and welcomed by Center founder Raffi K. Hovannisian and director of research Manvel Sargsian.

The yearbook starts with Manvel Sargsian’s interview “We Should Solve Problems and not Avoid Them,” followed by a series of articles of experts: Gegham Baghdasarian “Lessons of the April War and the Process of Re-evaluation in Artsakh,” Tatoul Manasserian “Armenia’s Economy in the Stage of Development Opportunities and Challenges,” Alexander Kananian “The Second and ‘Intermediate’ War of Artsakh: Unlearned Lessons,” Stepan Danielian “Public Discourse around the Armenian Apostolic Church,” Marat Atovmian “The Impact of Civil Society on the Public and Political Life of Armenia,” and Meruzhan Harutyunian “What is Needed to Save Armenia from Ruin?” devoted to challenges and unsolved issues of some fields of Armenia’s domestic life.

The yearbook was prepared thanks to the immediate efforts exerted by ACNIS staff, and was published in Tigran Mets Publishing House. The editorial staff includes Manvel Sargsian, Gevorg Lalayan, Karapet Kalenchian and Ashkhen Musheghyan. Design and formatting activities were carried out by Ashot Turajian.

The Armenian Center for National and International Studies is a leading strategic research center headquartered in Yerevan. As a non-profit institution committed to conducting professional multi-disciplinary research and analysis, it strives to raise the level of pan-national discourse and seeks to broaden civic engagement in the policy-making process, thus fostering greater and more inclusive public knowledge. Founded in 1994 by Raffi Hovannisian, Armenia’s first Minister of Foreign Affairs, ACNIS has acquired over the years a prominent reputation as a primary source of independent expertise covering a wide range of national and international policy issues.


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