Member of Toronto City Council Jim Karygiannis is one of the 104 international observers who visited Artsakh to observe constitutional amendments. During the press conference, he stated that his name was on bullets 10 times, he has run multiple campaigns and he has been an international observer to several countries: “What I have seen here was excellent. 75+ percent of people turning out: not for elections for presidents or parliamentarians, but of a nation that wants to say we want to change our Constitution. That is intense. And for that I have to tell you if an Oscar is given out for elections, you the people of Artsakh deserve that Oscar. Not just politicians, not the people that were at the polling stations, but the average people of Artsakh. They actually made difference, your numbers are not false. Your numbers are real. We can recommend you some changes, but nobody beats 75 percent in non-presidential, non-crucial elections. You didn’t have to go and vote, but you have decided to make a difference.”
Jim Karygiannis added that there is nobody else who could have done it better, but in his opinion people of Artsakh showed to the rest of the world that they want to make a change: “You don’t need us to tell you how to do it. I have done 10 elections, 9 times my bullet was successful. We have learned from you, you won the Oscar yesterday, not just a people, but everybody.”