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‘Looking forward to be included in Azerbaijan’s blacklist’

February 23,2017 07:27

Hikmet Hajiyev the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Azerbaijan announced that all the people who have visited Artsakh to observe the constitutional referendum will be included in Azerbaijan’s blacklist. asked member of European Parliament Frank Engel to comment on this statement: “First of all this is what they always say. I don’t mind, if they don’t intend to put it into practice, let them do it. Last time I checked they had not managed to officially put me on that black list. So I am looking forward to that.”
According to Frank Engel, these announcements won’t be obstacles for the international observers to visit Artsakh: “All of those whom I hear now that this is exactly what Azerbaijan threatens to do. We are still here. It is a violation of every human right. If you take a case of Abkhazia, Georgia will not dream to threat anyone who goes to Abkhazia, never been able visiting Georgia again. Azerbaijan does it in relation with Artsakh. Let them do it.”


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