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Hrant Bagratyan does not criticize “Tsarukyan” alliance

February 25,2017 05:31

The “Tsarukyan” alliance has submitted recommendations consisted of 15 elements which can restore Armenia’s economy.  Many people qualified these recommendations populistic. asked the former Prime Minister Hrant Bagratyan nominated for the position of a parliamentarian by the list of “Free Democrats” whether he has studied these recommendations and what opinion he has.  Incidentally, they were also criticized by Ashot Yeghiazaryan nominated by the same list.  “We have studied everything.  If the political party has declared itself an opposition, I do not criticize its programs,” said Hrant Bagratyan evading to comment and give an assessment to merely the economic aspect of these recommendations.  We noted that the “Tsarukyan” alliance has not declared itself an opposition.  Hrant Bagratyan said that by the RA laws, today only RPA and ARF are government forces.


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