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‘March 1’ perpetrators take high positions today:’ Khachatur Kokobelyan

March 02,2017 03:33

The “March 1″ perpetrators are the authorities of that day with their entire staff.  All those who have given orders and become complicit in this tragedy,” said the leader of “Free Democrats” party Khachatur Kokobelyan to the reporters.

Recall that the members of “Free Democrats” party also laid flowers at the Al. Myasnikyan statue honoring the memory of 10 victims of “March 1” in 2008.

Khachatur Kokobelyan noted that he also considers himself guilty of the fact that until now the “March 1” case is not disclosed, “Unless the true perpetrators do not face the court, no democracy and justice will be established in Armenia.  Everybody knows, even name by name, the size of the guilt of each.”  As mentioned by Khachatur Kokobelyan, it is a fact that until now knowing exactly who the “March 1” perpetrators are, no one is called to accountability, “Moreover, they have occupied high positions and in power structures.  I do not evade giving names but I respect the presumption of innocence.  All the role players of the functionaries of those days equally have their role.”

Note, mass protests were held in Armenia, after presidential elections on 2008. The protests were organized by the supporters of the First President of Republic of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosian. During the protest held on March 1st, 2008, clashes broke out between police and protesters. President Robert Kocharyan declared 20-day state of emergency.


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