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Vladimir Solovyov: Russia not to allow Nagorno-Karabakh conflict solution with use of force

March 07,2017 08:35

“Let’s address the issue with the extreme approach, Russians, you are bad, you sell arms to Azerbaijan, and Russia, let’s assume, says, yes, we will not sell weapons from now on.  So what?  Azerbaijan will buy a weapon from the United States.  What will Armenia do?  Will it shut down the US Embassy in Armenia?​ Will it break off the diplomatic relations with the US? – said “Rossiya 24” TV analyst Vladimir Solovyov during the meeting with Armenian journalists at the “Sputnik Armenia” press club, answering the question of Russia’s arming Azerbaijan.

The speaker notes that there are two major arms suppliers in the world: Russia and the United States.  To supply means a competition for the influence in the region, “If the US sells arms to Azerbaijan, what will happen?  There is a Russian military base in Armenia.  What would have happened if it were not stationed in Armenia, just think?  We would have a completely different geopolitical arrangement.  And when did the Russian weapon appear there?  It was in Azerbaijan during the Soviet years.”  Vladimir Solovyov is confident that Russia will never allow Nagorno-Karabakh conflict be resolved through the use of force.  The Armenian journalists reminded Dmitry Kisilyov who had also attended the meeting about the noise raised in Armenia during his previous visit.

Recall that Dmitry Kiselyov had expressed discontent that the taxi driver does not speak Russian, and said that the Russian language status should be reconsidered in Armenia.  Recalling the case, he said that he was surprised that the young man does not know Russian and he confessed, but the noise was about the fact that the Russian language is one of the factors of ensuring Armenia’s security.  “I still think so that the good knowledge of Russian has a vital importance for Armenia.  Without this, it is impossible to imagine Armenia’s future.  I do not give up my words.  I will dispute with anyone on this topic.”

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