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‘RPA – our primary target enemy:’ Zaruhi Postanjyan on her created new force

March 09,2017 06:26

Very recently, at the “Hayatsk” club, Zaruhi Postanjyan announced the creation of a new political force which should involve the Diaspora.  She said that the provisions of this program will be available to the public on March 15 during their congress.  She only said that they will fight for the Diaspora Armenians to participate in the elections and the political processes.  As mentioned by Zaruhi Postanjyan, “The public understands that our primary target enemy is the Republican Party of Armenia and Serzh Sargsyan, and in the domain of this main perception, our public can express its civic duty and political stance.  The only call upon is that everyone must participate in the political process.  My only urge is that everybody should participate in the political processes.  It is very important for us to become not only citizens but also political people, to clearly picture our political rights and their value.  We must understand that our vote is important, it is a value and we are ready to fight for our vote.”

To the question that if the Diaspora participates in the elections, first, we must amend the Constitution, so how you visualize the implementation of your program under the current Constitution, she replied, “This initiative group, the current Constitution which was imposed on us with falsity, we do not accept it, neither this Constitution nor its provisions.”

Zaruhi Postanjyan said that she had meetings with the Diaspora Armenians and they have offered this, “They are worried about this problem long ago, and the concern is two-sided and refer to all Armenians worldwide.  We need to take into account that if we have about 10 million Armenians, the 5 million is the Diaspora Armenian who have made their families there.  The unity must be not in terms of their funds and financial resources but a unity in terms of one political resources.  Zaruhi Postanjyan said that their initiative should become a systemic structure, a party.  As to how it will be formed, the Congress will decide.

She said that when withdrawing from the “Heritage”, she has said she is not going to quit the political activity, hence, she is still in the politics.  We were interested to know that a number of political forces participating in the elections have a clause in their program about the participation of the Diaspora; also the “Yelk” alliance is promising to create a second house of the Parliament with the participation and control of the Diaspora, so whether you will support it, she replied, “I applaud all the initiatives which will be aimed at the involvement of the Diaspora Armenians into the political life of Armenia and will support as mush as possible.”

Mrs. Postanjyan said that the election campaign is not going on under equal conditions, “If everything goes as planned and initiated by Mr. Sargsyan, I do not think that there will be big changes in the parliament.  No changes will take place in our life.  But if the scenario is changed, extraordinary elections will be held.”

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